Sunday, June 26, 2011

making all things new.

I've decided to start a cooking blog. bwhahahaha. ok, that was a little funny, no? I'm not exactly sure what the theme will be. But I'll give you a framework of what I have in mind. It will be honest. But I am also aware that in blog-land anyone who wants to can read this thing. So prepare for somewhat generalities.
I have had some reservations of beginning to blog again. I won't list them. boring. (See I literally just yawned). But this is what you'll get from me. honesty. No pretense, no me trying to look all super-spiritual and fabulous. My hope for this thing is that you get a honest reflection of my thoughts and feelings. The not so great, things aren't so figured out junk and maybe just a little of the other. If you've been walking with me in real life the past couple of years, you know things haven't been easy, in fact if you haven't been in real life with me, you prob just plain wouldn't believe everything. But I have and continue to believe that God is still working in my life. That He is continuing to change me. So what I desire to be open about my reflections and my kicking and screaming reservations through this process of change. I believe that what God has for me is good. That is what I choose to believe. His mercy endures forever.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome. I love reading your thoughts, so I'm going to put this on my "list of blogs to read." Which means you can't go and not post now.
