I still believe
I still believe that God is good.
But I still know that life is hard.
I still believe in the sanctity of marriage.
But I know that some seasons in marriage are difficult.
I still believe God can break generational sins.
But I know it takes a whole hell of a lot of work.
I still believe that God has big plans for me (and the kids).
But I know I have to be patient and endure and grow.
I still believe that one of our greatest duties as Believers is to be an advocate for the hurting and brokenhearted.
But I know that can be harder said than done.
I still believe that men can be honorable and do good for their family without needing fanfare.
I still believe in miracles.
But that doesn’t mean God will always intervene and do what we want Him to.
I still believe in the power of prayer.
But I also believe in personal responsibility and being obedience to His voice.
I still believe that Jesus’ words, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. “
But yet I also know of wonderful friends and family who have loved my babies and me endlessly.
I still believe that a cure for cancer is possible.
But I know that God is still good even if He chooses not to.
I still believe that mommies and daddies can stay together forever.
But I believe that takes both to live out “feet washing” on a daily basis, and even more so when no one is watching.
I still believe that living a life of honesty, kindness, and integrity is what Jesus calls me to.
But I also know that those 3 things are difficult to do and live out on a day to day basis.
I choose to still Believe.
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