Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Biggy BOY!

wearing our "PAPA" hats.
 gained my hair back and lost about 60 lbs (not a bad deal)

2 yrs ago and 0 minutes of labor later (golly I'm such a cheater), I gave birth to one handsome Clayton Robert. Happy Birthday little guy, mommy loves you so much sometimes I think my heart could burst. In case you were wondering “Robert” comes from my grandpa, his great-grandpa. I watched Clay this evening in the rear view mirror on our way home from grandma’s. I could help but remember grandpa. Grandpa loved my babies. He loved me too. Always did. Before we knew whether Clay was a Clay or a Storrie (come on isn’t that a GREAT girl’s name)….I wanted the baby to be named either after grandpa or grandma. They both played a vital role on who I am today, and I wanted to honor them for that. Clay was born, even before we knew he was sick. I miss him, but really it’s for selfish reasons. I’d take one more of those “can’t deny that you have been HUGGED” hugs, but more than that I want so badly for Clay to see what it means for a man to live out his faith, to love his family, to work hard, to live out a life of stead fed ness.  I desperately want Clay to see a life of honoring your word, is more important than just giving empty words. I don’t know why but there are just some days that I miss him more, I think today is just one of those days. It's also days like this that I am thankful for Buddy's Uncle Neal. Buddy adores him and i'm pretty sure it goes both ways.
Back to my little buddy…..it’s amazing really all what can happen in 2 yrs….if I told you everything, you prob just plan wouldn’t believe me. God has given me songs for both my kids. This one is my prayer for him:
You didn't ask for this 
Nobody ever would 
Caught in the middle of this dysfunction 
It's yoursad reality 
It's your messed up family tree 
And all your left with all these questions 

Are you gonna be like your father was and his father was? 
Do you have to carry what they've handed down? 

No, this is not your legacy 
This is not your destiny 
Yesterday does not define you 
No, this is not your legacy 
This is not your meant to be 
I can break the chains that bind you 

I have a dream for you 
It's better than where you've been 
It's bigger than your imagination 
You're gonna find real love 
And you're gonna hold your kids 
You'll change the course of generations

Some days (ok often) I struggle with how to best be a good momma to him in spite of everything going on. I am often encouraged by Timothy's story. I’m no Bible scholar, but Timothy’s “sincere faith” was credited by Paul in due part because of his own mom and grandma. This give me HOPE. My daily prayer for Clay is that he makes his “bold and courageous” willing to fight off deception from the Enemy and that "He is" gives me the wisdom and courage  to do everything I can to aid Clayt as such.


  1. Beautiful post!! Love the thoughts of a Momma - how the love seeps through each sentence and how your desire for him to know HIM and walk boldly in obedience as a man of God is so strong!! May Clay learn of his great grandpa through stories, pictures and the character of those he impacted (like you Erica).
    Happy Birthday Clayton!! Praise God for his life thus far and his life to be =)
